How do I connect my Etsy Listing to Corjl?

Before we get into the details, quick heads-up: Listings have auto-save – no need to search for a save button when you make changes.

Now, onto the next step. Ensure you've already integrated your Etsy shop with Corjl. Without that, you won't be able to click into Integrations (step 2).

Last but not least, have your Etsy Listing ID ready (needed in Step 3). Find it in your Etsy Shop Manager under Listings – just select the listing you want to connect.

Alright, with all the prerequisites good to go, let's dive in and get started!

  1. Hop on over to the Listings Page and pick out your listing if you're not already there.

  1. Now head into your Integrations tab. All integrated shops will become sub-tabs:

  1. Next up, click on "Add a Listing ID" and pop in your Etsy ID. Once you've entered the listing ID, your Demo Link will magically appear.

Now, assuming those listing IDs were copied and pasted correctly, you're all set to start receiving orders when someone makes a purchase from your shop!

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