Managing Orders

Corjl allows you to edit, view, and manage orders so you can provide the best support possible to your customers. To open an order to view the details, locate that order in the list found on the Orders page. Click once on the Order ID number for an order or double-click anywhere in the order area to view the three information tabs for the order outlined below:

Order Summary Tab

The Summary tab contains the following information for the order:

Order Status – A timeline of the Order’s Status is displayed at the top of the Summary information tab.

This displays the following Statuses and the date and time the action occurred:

  • Created – The order has been created in Corjl.
  • Emailed – The order email has been sent to the customer.
  • Opened – The customer has logged into the order.
  • Downloaded – The customer successfully downloaded the design.
  • Partially Downloaded – At least one design from the order has been downloaded. (For orders with more than one design).
  • Approved – For orders with an Approve Proof option. The customer has approved the proof.
  • Partially Approved – At least one design from the order has been approved. (For orders with more than one design.)
  • Complete – This is a manual option for internal order management. Sellers may mark an order Complete by selecting the Mark Complete button (See Change Order Status section for more information.)
  • Canceled – The order has been canceled. Customers will no longer have access to the order.

Change Order Status – The buttons in this area can be used to manually change or update the Order Status of an order.

The three button options are outlined below:

  • Mark Complete – This option can be used to manually designate an order as “Complete” for internal order management workflow purposes.
  • Reset Proof Approval – Selecting this option will reset the Approve Proof button so that your customer can continue to make edits to the design. They will then be able to reselect the Approve Proof button when they are done editing.
  • Cancel Order – This option will cancel the order so that your customers no longer have access.

Customer Info – You can find the following information for your customer and order in this section:

  • Buyer Email – This is the original email used to create the order in your account. Although you can not edit this information, you can use the Add Alternate Email button to send the order email to a different email address.
  • Alternate email – If your customer used a different email address to log into the order, you will see that email here. You can also add an alternate email manually using the Add Alternate Email button.
  • Resend email – Click here to resend the order email to the customer.
  • Add Alternate Email – Use this button to manually add an alternate or secondary email for your customer.
  • Edit Alternate Email – Use this option to update the existing Alternate Email for your customer.
  • Channel – This is the sales channel or method through which the order was created.
  • Edit as Customer – If you need to assist a customer with editing their item, use the Edit as Customer button to login to the order as a buyer. Using the drop-down options in the top right corner, you’ll be able to switch between Customer View (what your customer sees) and Designer View (your view/access to the designer tools).

Order Log – The Order Log can give you useful information to aid in giving customer support.

View customer order logs to see the date and time an item was purchased, when the email link was sent, if and when the customer logged in, saved and downloaded an item, plus which devices were used to login. Please note that if you login to your customer’s account, your activity will be logged as well.

Order Link – You can find the original link that was sent to your customer for the order in this area here. The link can be copied and pasted into a separate email or message and sent to your customer when the original email is not available.

Order Designs Tab

View and manage the designs included in an order in the Order Designs tab. You can make the following changes in this area:

  • Add a Listing or Design – Use the tabs in the left panel area to add a new Listing or Design to the order. To add to the order, drag and drop the listing(s) or design(s) you want to add directly into the list of order designs.
  • Edit Downloads – You can edit the number of downloads for an individual design by clicking on the “pencil” icon button for the design found in the Downloads left column. This will open the Update Download Quantity window. Type the desired number in the Amount field, or select the Set as unlimited downloads box.
  • Edit Expiration Date – Change the expiration date for a design by clicking the “pencil” icon button found in the Expiration column. This will open the Edit Expiration Date window. Click in the Date field or “calendar” icon to select a new expiration date, or select the Set to never expire option.
  • Actions – Use the icon buttons in this column to either download the file or delete the design from the order.
  • Edit as Buyer – You can also log into the order as the buyer with the button provided in the upper right area of the Designs list.

Order Instructions Tab

View and manage the designs designated as Instructions in this tab. You can make the following changes in this area:

  • Add a Design as Instructions – To add a design to be used as Instructions to the order, drag and drop the desired design from the left panel area labeled Designs.
  • Remove an Instruction Design – To remove a design from being used for Instructions, click on the “trash can” icon button to the far right of the design name.
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