Org Settings - Organization Management

You can manage your Organization name, email, and logo in this section here. You can also add a new Organization to your Account in this area.


  • Organization Name – You can change the name of your Organization here.
  • Organization Email – If you have an email address for this organization that is different from your main Corjl Account, you may enter and update it here. Click in the email address field and type in the new email address. The change will save automatically.

Please note: Corjl communication emails such as “Proof Approved” notifications and billing emails will go to the Organization email address by default.

  • Organization Logo – You can also add your logo for your Organization here. To change the logo, click where it says Change Logo and then select the image to upload. Please note the optimal size for a logo image is 825 x 290 pixels.

Create new organization

This area allows you to add a new Organization to your Account. (Coming Soon)

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