Category Management

You can find the options to manage Category options under the Preferences section of your Organization Settings.

There are two tab options in the Category Management section: Category Management tab, and the Tag Manager tab.

Category Management Tab

Choose Your Categories – On the main page of the Category Management section, you can enable the category options you would like to use in your account. To enable or disable a particular category (Folders, Collections, or Tags) click the On/Off toggle next to that category.

Turning off a category will not delete the created folders/collections/tags for that category – they will still be available should you choose to turn the category back on at a later time.

Tag Manager

Use this area to manage your tags. On this page you can edit, delete, or merge existing tags in your account. Follow the steps below to edit your tags:

  1. Select Item Type – Select the type of item for which you want to edit the tags from the first drop-down box. You can choose from Designs, Fonts, Images, or Listings. This will display all the tags available for that group (you can use the buttons in the upper right of the screen to display the tags in either a Grid View or List View).

  2. Select Tags – Select one or more tags by clicking once on the tag name.

  3. Choose Edit Action – Use the icon buttons that appear above the selected tags to do the following actions:

  • Edit Tag Name – To edit the name of a single tag, select the tag and then click the Rename button. You can type in the new tag name in the text field that appears above the tag list. Please note that you can only edit one tag name at a time. If you select more than one tag then the Merge Tags option will show instead.
  • Merge Tags – You can merge multiple tags into a new tag name with this option. Select two or more tags, then click the Merge button. Type in the new tag name in the Merge text field. All items will be combined into the new tag name.
  • Delete Tags – You can delete one or more tags with this option. Select one or more tags by clicking on the tag names, then click the Delete button.
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