Image Right-Click Menu Options

Right-clicking on a text box will give you the ability to Duplicate, Cut, Copy, or Paste the text box.

Additional options are:

Paste in Place – This pastes the copied item into the exact same location as the original.

Make Clipping Mask – This option enables the ability to use any image as a clipping mask (or frame) to attach another image. To enable an image to be used as a mask, right click on the image and select Make Clipping Mask. Once this feature has been enabled for the image, simply click and drag the desired image you want clipped over the mask image until you see it appear inside the mask image. The image and mask will then move and resize together on the canvas. Other tips:

  • Double-click on the clipped image to adjust the size or position.
  • To replace the clipped image, drag the new image over the existing image and it will be automatically replaced.
  • To release the image from the clipping mask, right-click and select Clipping Mask > Release Clipping Mask.
  • To prevent a customer from being able to replace the image being used with the clipping mask, but still be able to move or resize the clipping mask, right click and select Clipping Mask > Lock Clipping Mask.
  • To turn off the clipping mask feature for the image mask after it has been released, right-click on the image and de-select the Make Clipping Mask feature.

Lock Aspect Ratio – This feature allows the image to only be resized by the corner resize controls and not to be stretched wider or taller–maintaining the image aspect ratio as it is resized.

Freeze – This feature “freezes” the location of an element so it can’t be moved, resized, and/or deleted while still allowing customers to select and change it. To freeze an item, right click on it and select Freeze > Frozen. Choose Frozen and Deletable if you want to allow the customer to be able to delete the item.

Elements that are frozen will show a “snowflake” icon image next to the layer name in the Layers panel.

Download Options – You can use this feature to prevent text or images from downloading with the finished file. This can be useful for instructional images or text that you don’t want to be visible in the final download. To hide an element in the download, right click on it and select Download Options > Hide in Download.

Arrange – Use these options to move items forwards or backwards on the canvas. The Always on Top option will keep whatever item/layer that you apply this to at the very top of the layers list so that it can’t be hidden or covered up by another item/layer.

Align to Canvas – These options will align the selection to the Horizontal/Vertical center of the canvas, or the Bottom, Top, Left, or Right of the canvas.

Transform – Use these options to flip or mirror the image. Choose from Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, or Mirror.

When two or more items on the canvas are selected (text or images), you will also see the following options in the right-click menu:

Group – This feature appears in the menu when two or more elements are selected on the canvas. Clicking on the Group option will group the items together so they move and resize as one entity. Click Ungroup to release the items to individual elements again.

Align to Items – This feature will line up selected design elements on the canvas with each other. Choose to align the selected items by the horizontal edges, vertical edges, bottom or top edges, and left or right edges of the items.

Distribute – This feature appears when three or more items are selected on the canvas and allows you to evenly space out these elements on the canvas.

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