Listing Settings - Variations Tab

If you have any variations set in the marketplace listing attached to the Corjl Listing, they will appear in this area. You will need to manually match, or assign, the correct variation option to the correct design. Use the drop-down menu options found in the Variations column to make those assignments.

Assigning Variation Options

To assign a variation option to a design in the listing, select a variation option (or multiple options) from a drop-down box and assign it to the design. The assigned options will appear in the column next to the drop-down box letting you know that when a customer makes a purchase with those options, they will receive that design.

Variation assignments will save automatically.

Listings with Multiple Marketplace IDs

Depending on the number of ID numbers associated with the listing in the Integrations tab, you may see tabs matching different marketplaces associated with your account, and/or a drop-down box allowing you to select from multiple ID numbers when you click on each marketplace tab as shown below:

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