Managing Your Corjl Listing

After creating a Corjl Listing, you will be able to see that listing on the Listings page. Listings are displayed by most recently updated. Make the thumbnails larger or smaller by using the slider to change the size. Change the View from Grid View to List View to see detailed information for each Listing.

Listing Right-Click Options

Right-click on the thumbnail image or name of the Listing to see the following options:

  • Duplicate listing – This will make a copy of the listing with all of the same designs. Please note that Listing IDs and Variations will not copy, due to the fact that this information is based on a “live” connection to a marketplace.
  • See details – Select this option to open the Listing Details Page (see below)
  • Delete listing – This deletes the Listing only. The designs in the listing will still be available in your Designs page.

Click on the name of the listing you would like to edit and the Listing Details Page will open in the Listings tab. Below is a summary of the different tabbed sections found on the Listing Page.

Click the links below to learn more about each section:

Listing Details Tab – The Listing Details page is where you can find information such as when the listing was created, what integrations it is connected to, how many designs are in the listing, and how many orders the listing has.

Listing Designs Tab – The Designs tab for the listing will display all of the designs included in the listing. This is also where the Download Options for the design will be set.

Listing Instructions Tab – You may want to create Instructions for your customers and add them to your Corjl Listings to be included with a customer’s order. Instructions can be added by default using the Global Listing Settings, or added manually here.

Integrations Tab – The Integrations tab is where you will connect your Corjl Listing to your marketplace listing, as well as where you can find the Demo link for the listing.

Variations Tab – If you have any variations set in the marketplace listing attached to the Corjl Listing, they will appear in this area. You will need to manually match, or assign, the correct variation option to the correct design.

SEO Tab – The SEO feature enables your demo pages to show up more prominently in search engines like Google.

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