Text Styles

Selecting a text box on the canvas will show the Styles options for text in the right panel area.

Click on the Styles caret menu to expand and view these options:

Adjust the position and orientation of the text box using the Position, Transform, and Rotation options.

Drop Shadow – Adds a "shadow" behind your selected text. Change the color, angle, distance, blur, and opacity of the shadow.

Outer Glow – Adds a diffused colored "glow" around the selected text. Change the color and distance (thickness) of the glow.

Stroke – Adds an outline around the selected text. Change the color, size (thickness), and opacity of the outline.

Gradient – Select two colors for the gradient from the selection boxes. Select a start and end color in the color boxes, then adjust the angle of the gradient using the circular dial. Use the Opacity start and Opacity end options to fade one side of the gradient.

Curved Text – Create curved (Arc) or circular text. Use the Curve option to increase or decrease the amount of curve. Use the Spacing option to space the letters closer or farther apart.

Opacity – This option "fades" the selected text to make it see-through. Use the slide bar or enter a specific numerical amount to adjust the opacity.

Blend Modes – Change how images blend with the background or other elements by using a different “blend mode.” You can choose from the following blending options from the Blend Mode drop-down box: Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Darken, Lighten, Color Dodge, Color Burn, Hard Light, Soft Light, Difference, or Exclusion.

Please note: Styles for both images and text are turned on or off by clicking on the icon image button for that Style.

Use the Reset button to reset to the last settings. To keep the selected Style open, click on the “thumbtack” icon button.

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