Images Tab in the Asset Manager

View and organize your graphics and images under the Images tab in the Assets page. Images are sorted by upload date by default. Use the thumbnail slider to increase or decrease the thumbnail size. Switch from Grid View to List View to view detail information such as Date Added, File Size, and File Type. You can also upload images on this page by clicking on the Upload Images button in the upper right of the page.

Image Details

Click once on an image for a quick view of the image details. Double-click on an image to open the Details Page for that image (you can also right-click and select See details). Use the kebab menu in the upper right of the page to rename the image, or delete the image from your account.

The Image Details page has two tabs: Details and Manage:

  • Details Tab – Displays image detail information such as image type, size and upload date as well as any categories and designs that are associated with the image.
    • Categories section – View any associated categories here. To add a category, drag and drop any Folders, Collections, or Tags that you want associated with this image into this area. Hover and click the “x” to remove.
    • Designs section – View any designs using this image on the canvas in this area. Click the design thumbnail image to open the design in the Design Editor.

  • Manage Tab – There are two options on this page: Embed Watermark and Global Replace.
    • Embed Watermark – This option provides an extra layer of protection to individual images when being viewed in the Design Demo. Enabling this feature for an image will place an individual watermark on that image in addition to the general watermark for the design (see the Seller Protections section for more information).
    • Global Replace – This option will replace an existing image in your account with a new image that you upload to take its place. All instances of the image will be replaced with the new image, including images currently being used in other designs.

      To use this feature, click on the Add a file link to search for the image, or drag and drop the new image into the upload area. Read and select the two statements, then click the Replace with uploaded button. Please be aware that for best results the new image should be approximately the same size as the image being replaced.

Sorting and Organizing your Images

You can sort and organize your images into categories using Folders, Collections, or Tags on this page. These categories will then be available for use when creating designs.

To add images to a specific category, click and drag the image over to the desired category name in the left panel area. You can also drag the category name over to the image thumbnail and add the item that way as well.

You can select and sort more than one image at a time.

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