How do I add Images and Fonts for the customer?

Adding from the Design Editor

From the Design Editor, you can add individual images, fonts, and background images for the customer. Here's how:

  1. Adding Images: In the left panel's viewing window, locate the image you want to add. Right-click on the image and select "Add to Customer Images."
  2. Adding Fonts: Click on the font you want to add. It will be highlighted in light blue, or you can right-click and choose "Add to Customer Fonts."
  3. Adding Background Images: Right-click on the background image and select "Add to Backgrounds."

Once added, these items will be visible in the "Customer Assets" tab.

Adding from the Design Protections view

To add Images and Fonts for the customer to use when editing their design, you will want to go to the Design Protections view for the design. To do this, open the design in the Editor, then click on the "lock" icon button in the Design Views panel in the upper right of the screen:

On the next page, click on the Design Assets tab:

On the Design Assets page, select the assets you would like to add from the tabs in the left panel area: Image, Fonts, or Background images.

Next, select either individual image or fonts to add or select a tag, folder, or collection of images or fonts and drag the selected item(s) over to the box labeled Drag categories or individual images here as shown below:

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