Design Views

Corjl is designed to give Designers complete control over the way their designs are used and edited by their customers. The Corjl Design Editor uses multiple Design Views to allow you to manage and customize your designs. You can access these different Views by using the buttons found in the upper right corner of the Design Editor.

Design Editor

This is the default view for the Design Editor. All design creation and editing will take place in this view.

Customer Preview

This editing mode allows you to preview the design as the customer will see it in the Customer Editor. You can use this design mode to test your design settings and protections and see how the customer will experience these options. Any changes made in this mode will not be saved to the actual design.

Design Protections

This is where designers can designate what the customer can and can not do when editing the design. It is where you can add Images and Fonts for the customer to use in the design as well. There are three tabbed options in this Design View:

Design Settings

The Settings view is where you can view design details, manage design pages, and configure the canvas settings for your design (including resizing the design). There are four tabbed options for Design Settings:

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