Design Assets Tab

Adding Design Images, Design Fonts, and Design Background Images

Designers will use this area to assign, or designate, images, fonts, and background images for use by the customer in the design.

To use this feature, select the desired asset option with the left panel icon tabs (choose from Fonts, Images, or Background Images).

Using the search and drop-down options in the left panel area, you can assign (sync) Tags, Collections, or Folders of assets, or individual assets, to the design by dragging and dropping the desired item from the left panel into the corresponding display fields. Customers will then be able to view and use these assets when editing the design.

Design Images & Design Background Images

Adding images to these areas will give your customers the ability to both add these images to the canvas, and also to use these images to replace existing images on the canvas while editing the design as shown below.

Images and Background images can be added by dragging and dropping categories or individual images into the area labeled Drag categories or individual images here.

You can also add images to these areas while working in the Design Editor by right-clicking on an image and selecting either Add to Design Images or Add to Design Backgrounds.

To remove these images from the customer view/order, hover over the individual image and select the "trash can" icon button. To remove synced tags/folders/collections, click the "X" next to the tag/folder/collection name.

Design Fonts

These are the fonts that your customer will have access to when editing their design.

Fonts can be added by dragging and dropping categories or individual fonts into the area labeled Drag categories or individual fonts here.

You can also add fonts to this area while working in the Design Editor by right-clicking on the name of a font and selecting Add to Design Fonts.

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