Listing Settings - Details Tab

The Listing Details page is where you can find information such as when the listing was created, what integrations it is connected to, how many designs are in the listing, and how many orders the listing has. You can also view the assigned Categories and make category assignments on this page.

  • Thumbnail Image – You can change the thumbnail image that shows next to a listing in the Listings page by clicking on the Edit Thumbnail option.
  • Max Download Limits & Expiration Dates – You can set and adjust the download limits for the listing as a whole using the options in this section. You can also set the expiration date for the listing in this area here by enabling the options on and typing in the desired amount.

  • Listing Categories – You can also view what categories the listing is associated with on the Details page. Any assigned categories will appear in the Categories section at the bottom of the page. New category assignments can be made in this area as well by dragging and dropping the name of the Folder, Collection, or Tag you wish to add into this area.
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