Orders Page Overview

You are able to view and manage customer orders in the Orders page area. There you will then see a list of all your orders by date starting with the most recent.

The information displayed for each order includes the order Date, Order ID, Customer Email, Sales Channel, and Order Status.

Search Orders

You can search for orders by using the following options:

  • Search Bar – Search by email address or order number by typing here.
  • Search by Status – Select an order status option from the drop-down menu and all orders with that same status will appear listed by date purchased.
  • Search by Date – By default, only sales from the current month are shown. You can view past orders by month by clicking in the date area and then using the pop-up calendar to go to a different month.
  • Search by Sales Channel – Select an order source from the All Channels drop-down menu (All, Direct Link, and Manual). All orders with the same sales channel will appear listed by date purchased.

Click on the links below to learn more about Order features:

Order Management - learn how to view Order details, add/remove designs to an order, and log into an order for customer support.

Create a Manual Order - learn how to create an order manually from within Corjl to send to your customer.

Using Direct Order Links - learn how to use clickable links to generate orders outside of a connected marketplace.

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