Listing Settings - Instructions Tab

You may want to create Instructions for your customers and add them to your Corjl Listings to be included with a customer’s order. You will create your Instructions as you would any other design. You can create your own Instructions from scratch, or you can use the information from Corjl-provided documentation such as the Customer Instructions that are found in the Resource Packet or online.

Instruction designs can be added to your Corjl Listing in two ways:

  1. Add to the Global Listing Settings – By adding your customer instructions to the Global Listing Settings, they will be automatically added to each new listing you create (see the Account Settings section for more information). Adding customer instructions this way will automatically add this design to your Corjl Listing under the Instructions tab.
  2. Manually Add to Listings – You can also manually add Customer Instructions to a Listing under the Instructions tab. To add a design to use as Instructions, drag and drop the desired design from the left panel area to the area on the right labeled Drag designs here.

Once the designs have been added to the Instructions tab, you can use the columns to set the following options:

  • Include in Order – Select this option to include the instructions design in orders placed for this listing.
  • Include in Demo – This option can be used to exclude an instruction design from the listing Demo. Select this option to include the design and make it available in the Demo.
  • Action – You can use the “trash can” icon button here to remove a design from the listing.

Show Instructions First Feature

You can also choose to have the Instructions for the Listing showing in an open modal window when the customer first logs into their order. To enable this feature for the Listing, select the Show instructions upon opening order option found above the Instruction design list as shown:

The Instructions window will only be open when the customer first logs into the order. It will be closed the next time the customer logs in.

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