Global Settings

Your Global Settings area is where you can configure default settings for newly created Designs and Listings. You can use the tabs shown to navigate to the page for each option.

Please note: Some of these features are now connected to existing/previous designs as well as newly created designs using our Global Inheritance feature. Please read about that feature on the Global Inheritance page before making changes in this area.

Design Defaults

There are two categories with features you can update in the Design Defaults area. Each is listed below:

Protections – These options relate to what the customer can and cannot do while editing the design. You will find matching settings in the Design Protections area for a design. The settings here will be the default settings for new designs created in your account.

Canvas Settings – Newly created designs will have these specifications by default (you can change them manually at the time of design creation).

  • Enable canvas sections – This refers to the ability to create a design with different sections–each section having its own set of layers.
  • Transparency – these options relate to what you will visually see on the canvas when it is set to Transparent or None.

To learn more about the specific function of all other options in this area, please see the Design Protections and Design Settings pages for more information.

Listing Defaults

The Listing Defaults page is where you can assign default Instructions for your Demos and Listings, configure default Download options and amounts, order expirations, and enable affiliate options for your account.

Default Instructions – Designate the Instructions you want automatically included in your Corjl Listings here. Click in the Design Name fields where it says Select design to locate and add your instructions design(s). There are separate areas for Demo Instructions and Order Instructions so that you can have different sets of instructions for your Demos and Orders if wanted.

There are separate areas for Demo Instructions and Order Instructions so that you can have different sets of instructions for your Demos and Orders if wanted.

Download Options – These options affect the way the customer can download their edited designs, including the download file formats offered, and whether the customer will download the design or the designer will download and process the order for them. The selections here will be the default options applied to designs in all new and globally linked listings.

For full information on each of these options and how they are offered to customers see the Listing Settings - Designs Tab page.

Other Options – There are three setting options found in the Other Options area:

  • Display “Buy Now” button in Demo – When selected, this option will display a Buy Now button at the top of the page of your Design Demo pages. The Buy Now button is a great way to encourage a sale straight from your Demo page. They allow customers to "test" out a design and also gives them an option to save their changes when they purchase.
  • Default Max Downloads – You can set the maximum number of times a design can be downloaded with this option. Type in a number, or select Set unlimited downloads as an option. The selection here will be the default options applied to designs in all new and globally linked listings.
  • Default Order Expiration – You can set a default expiration period for your orders with this option. To set a time period, click in the Days text field and type in the number of days the customer has before access to the order expires. To remove any expiration date, select the Set to never expire option. The selection here will be the default options applied to designs in all new and globally linked listings.

Affiliate Account Options – This area allows you to enable the Prints of Love print option and/or the Paperless Post electronic invite option to show when customers click on the Export button in their orders.

  • Prints of Love – If you have a Prints of Love affiliate account, your customers will then be able to download their design and go to the Prints of Love website to order prints. The feature is not attached to your affiliate account unless you paste in your Prints of Love link in the Enter your Prints of Love partner referral link area.
  • Paperless Post – Enable this option for customers to be able to share their invitations electronically through Paperless Post.
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